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1st I would like to make a note:

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Topic: 1st I would like to make a note:
Posted By: Angel333
Subject: 1st I would like to make a note:
Date Posted: 03/Dec/2014 at 7:09am
I try to make this easy and fast to upload to the providers of all of our gatherings... If I offend someone, it is not you I am speaking of, I am hopeing that you can relate to me somehow...
I do hope you like my stories, and I would like some feedback, as I am about to release my books, that I have already written, starting back long ago...Enjoy this one

The Night I Stole the Car

Trumann, Arkansas October 14th, 1959:
     The girls and I and very few knew this, but at the time that we all were so eager to have just a vehicle to get around in for one night, I offered, to myself, to supply my girl-friends with my Grandmothers car. This was after she had passed away, because Dad had inherited the car, and I was glad. This was to be my car, when I turned 18. It was a blue and white, 1955 Chevy, not the sports type, but with the gas tank in the tail light. You talking about such a funny and thing to watch, gas station attendants+, have to ask Dad, “Hey, sir, come here just one minute…â€?Dad would look at us all, and we would secretly laugh knowing Dad was really going to have a good time with this one.
     My select few I told was one boy, Phillip Shirley, he passed the word, “Carol’s gonnaâ€?steal the car…The Car, boys.â€? He was like a newspaper in Truman. Alice was next but to be a witness that anything went wrong, I let Mary know, through Florence Turner…the best of the best!

     I was getting way too old for a babysitter, and Mrs. Prater was babysitting for the night, I planned a week ahead. Ask questions, sort of, slyly to Dad, say “Dad, can I…can I borrow the car this weekend?â€?with Dad turning to look like Satan himself he only had to look at me that I knew I couldn’t, it would be on then, olâ€?Daddy O. Muhahahahha. This would be the best, and he, that I knew of never knew, that I did, and succeeded. Though, the adrenalin ran high, my plan, as a 15 maybe 14 year old worked. One note here, Mrs. Prater’s finger had not, yet been cut off.

     â€œOk, Alice this is what I’m going to do. All week, with Mary listening intently at me for a change, I will play it cool, ask the questions, and by Friday, I should have the car oh, about 10:30p.m. Mom and Dad I already know, have a job, an overnight job…girls. We all smiled, evilly.

On this very night, I went out first and came home. Mom and Dad delivered me to the movie house, I watched, went home, told Mrs. Prater, which was drowsy anyway, goodnight, I had had it. I went to bed…didn’t even have to change clothes before I heard her snore. If my bedroom window was good enough for Dad, it was me too…easy enough, actually I had not planned too many things, you know, just by the seat of my britches, as they say in the South.   I had the key already, but that car wasn’t going to start till out in the street…the thing that scared me, was that we had a gravel driveway, so this would have to be a slow and meticulous action. Smoothly, I put that car key in ignition first, only that one thing, then threw that Car in Neutral, and slowly it started moving, I got in. Drove it, braking carefully out to the middle of Mulberry Avenue, pointed right. I smiled, and started that car! I picked up Alice first Mary Gann, Philip Shirley, and before the night was out, most all of our group rode in that car…and I was on schedule also, what schedule, in out, get out, back inâ€?I gotta go now!
     The hardest part was yet to come, People. I had to get that thing back in that drive just perfect, without waking Mrs. Prater…she was a hard babysitter, one that I loved and she loved me too. She would have told on me, but in a nice way, got me? So I had to do it right. Without no one about to help me with the end result, I was on my own. Ok, we are going up, gravel, will take a sharp turn, and motor has to be off in drive. If I remember right, the turn onto Mulberry, the stop sign was run, and I just went…just like me, that car, rather the motor went off at the Southwest corner of the house, then the key off…in Neutral, God, I was thereâ€?the rest…a piece of cake.
     In the window I came, under the covers, and listened for snoring…………………………………â€?
At 12:01a.m. I heard a snort come from the living room couch, and God, I went to sleep after the most wonderful time of my life.
The next day, business as usual, and no one knew anything around the house, but at school�everyone, everyone was waiting to see if Carol Lee was going to make it to school. Right on time I was…I loved my friends, and sisters and brothers, from that little town, of Trumann, Arkansas, USA!

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